Beautiful Coordinates

Safety Information

Safety Info

  1. Always check weather conditions and pack accordingly.
  2. Choose a safe and established camping ground.
  3. Familiarize yourself with the local flora and fauna and avoid interacting with wild animals.
  4. Store food in airtight containers to avoid attracting wild animals.
  5. Bring adequate supplies of drinking water and personal hygiene items
  6. Be mindful of wildlife and do not approach or feed them.
  7. Use a reliable and approved fire starter to light campfires and never leave them unattended.
  8. Know how to properly set up and take down your camping gear to avoid damage to the environment.
  9. Be mindful of your impact on the surroundings and practice Leave No Trace principles.
  10. Keep a clean campsite by disposing of trash and waste properly.
  11. Use a ground cloth to protect the environment and minimize your impact.
  12. Respect other campers by keeping noise levels down and following established rules.
  13. Have a communication plan and a charged phone or device in case of emergency.
  14. Have a plan in case of emergencies, such as knowing the nearest hospital or ranger station.
  15. Bring and use proper first aid supplies and know how to perform basic first aid.
  16. Inform someone trustworthy about your camping itinerary and keep them updated.
  17. Avoid consuming alcohol or drugs while camping.
  18. Respect other campers and the camping ground rules.
  19. Always carry a map and compass and know how to use them.
  20. Research the camping area beforehand to ensure it is safe and has proper facilities.
  21. Follow guidelines provided by the park or campground, such as designated trails and campsites.