Beautiful Coordinates

Covid Protocol

Terms - conditions and protocols

User agrees that due to recent outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, which has been declared as a national disaster by the Government of India, there may be instances, where the end service provider either cancels the booking or refuses to provide the services, as agreed with the User, by assigning or not assigning any specific reason for such refusal. Refusal of service may be due to the reasons including but not limited to the User:

exhibiting any symptoms associated with COVID 19.

refusing to comply with safety advisories, like wearing protective gear, complying with social distancing norms etc.

suffering of any ailment making the User vulnerable to the virus

posing a threat to the health and safety of others

In such cases BeauCo will assume no liability for the refusal of service by the end service provider. The User also agrees that refund, if any, for such bookings will be processed by BeauCo to the User subject to receipt of the same from the end service provider.

User further understands that due to the outbreak of COVID-19, the Central Government through its ministries, State Governments and statutory bodies have/may come up with a detailed set of guidelines or standard operating procedure (SOP) that a traveler will have to follow in order to undertake the travel.

The User agrees to abide with all such guidelines/SOP while undertaking any travel. Failure to abide by such detailed set of guidelines/SOP, may lead to a situation where the service provider or any person authorized by the Central Government, State Government or statutory body may disallow the User to undertake the travel. In such circumstances, BeauCo will not be held liable for such refusal to travel and refund, if any, shall be strictly as per the terms of the service provider.

User understands that the Central Government, State Governments and various other bodies, may mandate downloading of Arogya Setu App or submitting a self- declaration form prior to entering a transit point like airport, railway station etc. or at the time of checking-in for a flight, into a hotel etc. Accordingly, the User must ensure downloading of Arogya Setu App on their smartphones or provide any other alternative such as self-declaration when demanded.

User undertakes that all bookings are subject to certain minimum medical wellbeing criteria specified by the Govt. / appropriate authority from time to time. User should have no medical history of the COVID-19 virus 28 days before the date of scheduled travel, especially in case of inbound travel. In this regard the User may be required to furnish a medical proof or health declaration in an applicable format.

Protocols to Follow

1. Wear a mask at all times in public places.

2. Maintain a safe distance of at least 6 feet from others.

3. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use hand sanitizer.

4. Avoid touching your face, especially your mouth, nose and eyes.

5. Cover your mouth and nose while coughing or sneezing with a tissue or your elbow.

6. Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

7. Avoid large gatherings and crowded places.

8. Stay in your room as much as possible and avoid common areas.

9. Regularly clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces such as doorknobs and light switches.

10. Follow the instructions of local health authorities, including any quarantine requirements.

11. Monitor your health and seek medical attention if you develop symptoms.

12. Follow any additional guidelines set by the specific location you are visiting.

13. Keep a record of the places you have been and the people you have been in contact with.

14. Avoid non-essential travel to areas with high transmission rates.

15. Always follow local guidelines and regulations, even if they differ from your home country.